Keep Veterans Smiling is established as a private foundation under the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) effective May 5, 2016. (EIN:81-2707365).
If you would like to become a sponsor of our organization, providing needed dental treatment for eligible veterans in Texoma, please get in touch. We will explain in detail how your donations can expand the program. Let's Keep Veterans Smiling! Contact Dr. Sam Nechamkin at (903) 868-9850 to discuss how you can get involved.
Please consult your personal advisors on all legal, tax, or financial issues related to your gift or personal matters. Nothing contained in this email or in any of its documents, attachments, or links: (a) should be considered legal, tax, or financial advice, (b) represents the signature of the sender or Keep Veterans Smiling, (c) is intended or written to be used, and cannot be used for the purpose of avoiding tax-related penalties.
For information about the specific tax benefits to which you may be entitled through your charitable gifting of appreciated (or even depreciated) stock or securities, please consult your tax advisor or attorney.