For the safety of our Veterans, Volunteers, and Dental Staff, we will be checking temperatures and recommend wearing a mask upon your arrival at Premier Dentistry.

IMPORTANT: If you have had a medical procedure such as an artificial joint replacement or heart surgery within the last year, you will need an antibiotic pre-medication prescribed by your physician before any dental care. If you have a question about this requirement, please contact us at least a week before Tuesday, September 21.

ASK YOUR PHYSICIAN before Tuesday, September 21

IF YOU NEED AN EXTRACTION AND YOU ARE TAKING BLOOD-THINNING MEDICATION such as aspirin, Plavix, or Xarelto, you will need permissison from your physician to discontinue the medication a few days before Tuesday, September 21.

ASK YOUR PHYSICIAN before Tuesday, September 21

IF YOU ARE UNDER CARE OF A PHYSICIAN FOR HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE OR DIABETES be sure to continue to take your prescribed medications to keep those conditions under control.

ASK YOUR PHYSICIAN before Tuesday, September 21

IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS about pretreatment requirements, please call us or your physician.

(903) 868-9850
Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm
Friday 7am-3pm

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